Bank Search
You can use the bank search tool to search for the beneficiary's financial institution by entering information related to the institution (for example, partial or full bank name, city, etc.) The search will return all matching institutions based on that criteria. You can then select an institution from the results list and all of the information for that institution will populate the appropriate fields in the
section.There are three ways to locate a bank using the Bank Search tool:
You can use more than one search method at a time.
Note: If your search does not retrieve the results you want, you can click , and enter the bank details manually.
Using the search field
To search for a bank
- On the
down arrow beside to display the bank search fields.
page, click the
- If the correct country is not already displayed, from the dropdown list, choose the country where the bank is located.
- Scroll down to find the bank that you want, or use the Search tool to filter the list.
To use the Search feature, in the text field, enter three or more consecutive characters that are in the bank's name, address (including the street address, city, state, province, or country), SWIFT code, or routing code, and then click thesearch icon.
A list of all banks that meet the search criteria is displayed.
The results that you see depend on which part of the bank information matches the criteria you entered.- —Returns matching results if the characters you enter match one of the words in the bank's name. For example, if you enter , it returns all banks named .
- —Returns matching results if the characters you enter match one of the words in the bank's address fields. For example, a search for matches banks in the city of as well as banks that are on and .
- —Returns matching results if the characters you enter in the search field are an exact match for the SWIFT code.
- —Returns a matching result for the routing code only if you enter the exact and complete routing code in the search field.
- Alternatively, you can filter the results to narrow your search. Click and then click the options you want to use to filter the results. You can choose one option from each section.
For example, a search for will return thousands of results, including banks that have Washington in their name, as well as all banks in cities named Washington, and all banks in the state of Washington. To narrow your search, you can use the Filter Options to display only those banks in the specific state and city that you're interested in. - In the list of banks, click
The section is automatically populated with the selected bank's details.
beside the bank that you want to use.
Using the filter options
You can filter the beneficiaries list to display banks based on the region and the city where they're located.
To use the filter options to locate banks
- At the top of the list of banks, click .
- Click to choose an option in one or both of the available categories -
Note: You can only select one option in each category.
As you select filter options, the bank list is refined so that it displays only those banks that match your selected criteria.
and . - Click
The section is automatically populated with the selected bank's details.
beside the bank that you want to use.
This screen shows the result of using the filter options to display only those banks located in Bridgetown, Nova Scotia.
Reordering the bank list
You can reorder the displayed list by clicking the
or column heading. In addition, you can choose to display the entries in either ascending or descending order.To reorder the bank list by column
- Click a column heading to reorder the display in ascending order (A to Z) based on the entries in that column.
Click the column again if you want to change the display to descending order (Z to A). - Scroll down to find a bank you want.
- Click
The section is automatically populated with the selected bank's details.
beside the bank that you want to use.
When you reorder the list by clicking a column heading, each subsequent choice overrides the previous results.